(440) 835-9794
Piano Lessons with Cathy Gilchrist
Piano Lessons in Westlake, OH
(440) 835-9794Contact Us
Piano Lessons with Cathy Gilchrist|26000 1st St, C1, Westlake, OH 44145|(440) 835-9794

Piano Lessons In Westlake, OH

Encouraging a love of music opens up a world of possibilities. With Cathy Gilchrist, you or your child will learn to love the piano through a gentle, caring instructor. Cathy's piano lessons in Westlake, OH, focus more on the love of music and each student's needs, as well as teaching proper piano techniques. One way she does this is by allowing her students to choose the music they want to play. With 50 years in the business and a degree in Music Education, Cathy has the experience to help any student grow their skills. Reach out today and begin opening up a world of possibilities!

What We Offer

  • Adult Piano Lessons
  • Children's Piano Lessons
piano inside of room
child playing the piano
piano outside of building
exterior of building
front door of building

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